Friday, January 23, 2009

After dropping album like Carter

The Masterpiece Contemporary presentation, airing Sunday night, is all about a woman named Mary Whitehouse who launched a campaign during the culturally liberated 60s against what she considered improper material on the BBC. After dropping a album like Tha Carter III and becoming one of the industry hottest artist the last thing Wayne needed to do was drop another mixtape to prove anything but yet here it is. Bob Mulholland of the California Democratic Party notes that California accounts for more than a third of Obamas popular-vote margin. We represent 10,000 images of Marilyn Monroe, said Gary Saal, founder of Legends Licensing. Its a pity that some groups feel the need to assault people as opposed to fighting with words, Ronson writes. It helps get everyone through those dark nights of the soul and financial collapses.

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